
There are around 1 billion immigrants worldwide, and a high percentage migrate to seek employment opportunities abroad. Many already possess the basic skills and abilities to perform work remotely as a freelancer.

We are passionately dedicated to stopping the human capital flight and training low-income people in digital work to provide increased employment opportunities for them in companies around the world.

We believe cryptocurrency is the first step toward broader financial inclusion because it allows anyone to send and receive money securely across the globe, regardless of either party’s national currencySmart contracts are the second step toward broader financial inclusion as no legal or contract-writing experience is required of the freelancer. Smart contracts are essential to enter securely into an agreement with a remote party.

By relying on cryptocurrency and smart contracts to connect international freelancers with remote working opportunities worldwide, we believe the Talent4gig platform will:
• Speed up and streamline hiring processes
• Build a global reputation system based on transparency
• Support people with further education courses, and provide flexible working hours

We will have a social impact that will improve the global job market and the welfare of citizens worldwide.
We believe everyone should have access to the global job market, regardless of location
